Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Do Woman Make Better Leaders Essay
However, when women leaders are putting glorious greatly, they need to sacrifice their parts of life to earn such a success. Mostly, they need to work overnight and hard like their male fellows, they are single or divorced, and they may need to take care of both of their career and children. Actually, female leaders are facing some practical problems in their emotion, career and family. Many females are suffering in balancing these factors. Do women make better leader than men? Or specifically, are women playing a better role in managers? What are issues women leaders facing? In order to solve these problems and leave no doubt, I write this essay to analyze this topic. 2. 1 Leadership According to the professional definition, â€Å"leadership is the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals. †(Roach & Behling, 1984) There are certain basic qualities or characteristics that most people associate with leadership, such as self-confidence, persistent, integrity, ambitious and determination. People would agree that who own these qualities can be labeled as â€Å"leaders†. However, it is usually hard to recognize a proper leader with a standard measurement. Human traits are quantized immeasurable. In daily works, a good leader is normally judged by people he or she leads. Unfortunately, these opinions are always subjective and biased. Work performances may consider being comparable. However, in reality, only similar works can provide comparable performance results which limit the number of comparable cases. Insufficient parameters cannot provide a reliable analysis. Due to these difficulties, this essay will compare female and male leaders in other factors which are not specialized and quantized for leaders but also providing references for good leaders. These factors include effectiveness, intelligence and attitude which compare leaders in the aspects of performances; psychical and psychological; values and reliability, respectively. Before comparison and analyzing, it is more reasonable to realize the current situation about gender and leadership which will also give readers a general idea. 2. 2 Men are still the major force in leaders Actually, majority of world still consider that domination of power is in man’s hand, though women leaders are increasing rapidly recent years. As statistics show, woman account for 51 percent of population and 46. 5 percent of labor force while their numbers in manage level are negligible. In fact, in more powerful positions, women only account for 7. 3 percent of Fortune 500 corporate line officers; only 4. 1 percent of top earners are women. (Catalyst, 2001) The true situation is like what Oakley ,J. G. said,†The overall percentage of women on corporate boards surpassed the 10% milestone for the first time in 1996, however, 105 out of the 500 companies surveyed still had no women on their boards. †(Oakley, 2000; Dobrsynski, 1996) In making such a males’ world, social and environment factors play critical roles. Traditionally, women are told to be less competitive and ambitious when they are still girls, when they start their careers, mostly, environment and themselves keep suggesting them to be more unleader-like and docile. This attitude is formed in a long period and by surrounding environment, and it actually becomes part of female’s character. Attitude toward leadership is stronger predictor of leader emergence than masculinity. (Kolb, 1999) This theory is even more reasonable when biology theory is abandoned. Generally, majority of leaders is still male , the roles that women are told to play and attitudes they are suggested to own is signaling to be â€Å"second class†. 2. 3 Woman leaders show great potential It is undoubtedly men are traditionally leaders in the society; nevertheless, women are catching up in an amazing speed. Especially in recent years, woman leaders are showing their great power. In a long period before, people believe that women lack of managerial skills and they define it as â€Å"female deficiencies†as a reason why few women have made it to the top. Steven, Lynda and Joanne, 2003) However, many professors have proved the irrationality of this stereotypical concept, Davidson and Burke (Davidson&Burke,1994) have contended that almost all the evidence shows little or few difference in the traits and abilities of managerial skills among women and men. Furthermore, Ferrario(Ferrario,1994), Carless(Carless,1998) and Komives (Komives,1991) have studied and proved that gender does not determine who should get the leadership. According to above statements, it is easy to realize that gender is not physical or psychical obstacle for female leaders. Moreover, Kent and Moss suggested the possession of feminine characteristics does not decrease an individual’s chances of emerging as a leader as long as the individual also possesses masculine characteristics. If women are more likely to be androgynous, they may have better chance of rising to leadership status. (Kent and Moss, 1994) Kent and Moss’ words can be explained related to women’s own characteristic. Normally, women are more approachable and modest. The advantage is obvious above; male leaders cannot combine female’s good personalities which will be considered to be sissy while females will treat androgynous as a merit which show their potential. So, in some kinds of careers which require managers to be more mild and communicative, such as teachers and nurses, woman leaders are more preferred. To sum up, women’s characteristic advantage is seen as particularly important in light of the trends toward flatter organizations, team-based management and increased globalization. Oakley,2000; Adler,1993;Rosener,1995) Undoubtedly, woman leaders have predominance in some specific works than man leaders 2. 4 Gender and the leadership 2. 4. 1 Intelligence comparison Intelligence is defined by Cronbach as a person’s all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thinking. (Cronbach, 1984) Intelligence can divide in two parts, academic intelligence and emotional intell igence. In the aspect of academic intelligence, it is well accepted that there is no difference in academic intelligence between men and women. Furthermore, people with high academic intelligence don’t mean they are good leaders. Obviously, traditional view about intelligence is quite narrow. Current research has denied the theory of IQ as the only measure of intelligence. In 1920 Thorndike hypothesized that true intelligence was composed of not only an academic component, but also emotional and social components. (Barbara& Shilpa, 2003) Bar-on argued that emotional and social intelligences were better predictors of success in life. (Bar-on, 1997) According to Barbara& Shilpa’s statistic analysis, the mean transformational leadership score of females and males are roughly the same (65. 21 and 63. 31 respectively). The mean emotional intelligence score for females was higher than the mean emotional intelligence score for females (109. 58 and 98. 31 respectively). (Barbara& Shilpa, 2003) Although the results of the current study suggest that females have scored higher than males in emotional intelligence, it is possible that women as compared to men scored higher on empathy or social skills and low on motivation or self-regulation. However , male and female’s leadership score is very close which can prove that different genders have differences in EQ, but no capability difference in leadership. To sum up, there is no specific gender difference in academic intelligence. Females have a higher score in emotional intelligence and males have an equally emotional leadership score with females. 2. 4. 2 Attitude comparison Attitude means a general and enduring positive or negative feeling about some person, object or issue. (Kalliath, 2010) Normally, we divide attitude in two parts, one is the affective component, and the other one is the behavioral component. Actually, leadership is affected by attitudes in the sense that a leader’s attitude about their subordinates is dictated by theories X and Y. Theory X in the simplicity means leaders view their subordinates as pessimistic. They believe that the best way to treat subordinates is by manipulating for they think subordinates are lazy and unmotivated. Theory Y thinks oppositely, leaders of theory Y feel that most people are motivated and afraid of punishment. (Kalliath, 2010) Normally, leaders with a positive self-concept and a Theory X philosophy tend to be bossy, pushy and impatient; they also generally take on a dictatorial leadership. Leaders with a negative self-concept and a Theory Y philosophy may seem afraid to make decisions and self-blaming. Hughes, Ginnett& Curphy, 1993) Related to above apart, women’s attitude is an obstacle for their leadership. This disadvantage is caused by environmental and cultural factors. All stereotyping views towards woman will affect them when they are becoming leaders. However, according to theory X and Y, they generally talk about two types of leaders. It can be seen that gender i s not the major factor in attitude. To sum up, woman leaders are normally have more problems in their attitude and valuation than their man opponents. 2. 4. 4 Effectiveness comparison Effectiveness is understood in terms of leaders’ facilitation of a group or rganization’s ability to meet its goals. (Hunt, 1991; Mumford, 1986) It is stated that there is no difference in effectiveness, although some situations favor women and others favor men. (Powell, 1993)However, some people point out that female leaders may be less effective when they are doing stereotypically masculine jobs. It is easy to understand that women may violate conventions concerning appropriate female behavior. Female leaders will be subjected prejudiced reactions, which included biased performance evaluations and negative preconceptions about future performance. Consistent with research on self-fulfilling prophecies (Geis, 1993), negative opinion towards women’s leadership can diminish their performance. Even though, some professors argue that role conflict for female leaders might also be minimized by adopting a relatively feminine leadership style that would meet people’s traditional expectations about female behavior. (Eaglly, Makhijiani, Klonsky, 1992) They assert that it is unfair to value the effectiveness in leadership roles that are rarely occupied by women and in which most of their evaluators are male. (Eaglly, Makhijiani, Klonsky, 1995) In order to analyze this issue, two perspectives are introduced: alternative perspective and contingency theory based perspective. As a matter of fact, alternative perspective also have two parts, the first one is a structure view suggests that men and women are equally effective in leadership. (House, 1991&Hunt, 1991) Another alternative view takes into account the different selection of men and woman for leadership. Besides gender equality opinion, it also points out that women may be superior performers, especially in the longer run as they may erode negative thinking about their work. Craig &Jacobs, 1985) The second perspective is of contingency theories of leadership, suggests that leaders’ effectiveness depends on their style of leading. (Bass, 1990) It focuses more in the aspect of leadership style. It insists that effectiveness of different gender is related to corresponding factors in leadership methods, not gender. In a word, although male leaders are considered more effective in traditional masculine jobs, female leaders are more effective than males in less masculine terms. Effectiveness is a reliable proof of the woman leadership is not worse than man leadership. Although some people still believe woman leaders are using some inefficient management methods when they are most in masculine works. It can be expected that females will fare at least as well as men in an increasing range of leadership and managerial roles. 3. Conclusion From the days of old to the modern world, people who have the opinion that men are born to lead and women should serve as followers are out of date. No one can deny the gender equality in the current society. Leaders are no longer the exclusive privilege for men, but also for excellent females. We start to realize the importance of analyzing this topic and have taken a close look at some of the most basic qualities needed in a successful leader, such as attitude, intelligence and effectiveness. While some qualities seem to be more present in males than females, such as attitude, there are still many females owning the necessary characteristics to be better leaders, such as effectiveness in feminization jobs. This essay collects studies that analyzed leadership under rigorous researches and we have also taken a close look at some of the more recent studies on this topic.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Overseas Employment Essay
Overseas employment refers to employment of a worker outside a country. Overseas employment has been part of Filipino households’ lives. It provides opportunities for developing responsibility, flexibility, and self-resilience. It can also prepare individuals for an international career change that can lead to a satisfying life working overseas. Approximately eight million Filipinos overseas are permanent residents, temporary workers, or irregular migrants. Majority are temporary workers known as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). Although, there are some who leave the country for tourism and other purposes but they eventually overstay, seek employment, and become irregular workers overseas. There are different reasons for individuals to work abroad. To earn money, to meet new companions, to be more skilled, etc. The reasons for working overseas are unlimited – from a desire to travel, learn new ways of living, learn a new language, to developing a stronger career with international experience in your field. Overseas jobs can give you the chance to take on more responsibility and develop some new skills, particularly in the area of cross-cultural communications. The challenges you’ll meet will call on your creativity and resourcefulness. For us students, it helps to solidify our life purpose, or launches us in an exciting new direction with our career aspirations. Hence, this paper aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is Overseas Employment? 2. What are the purposes and effects of Overseas Employment? What is Overseas Employment? Overseas came from Middle English â€Å"overse†while employment came from Middle French â€Å"empleier†, from Latin â€Å"implicare†which means â€Å"to enfold, involve, be connected with†, itself from in- â€Å"in†+ plicare â€Å"to fold†) + -ment. Overseas means pertaining to countries, associations, activities, etc., beyond the sea or abroad and employment means an occupation by which a person earns a living; work; business. Overseas employment is referred as the employment of a worker outside a country, including employment on board vessels plying international waters, covered by a valid employment contract. The nature of overseas employment is that for decades, the toil of solitary migrants has helped lift entire families and communities out of poverty. They have woven together the world by transmitting ideas and knowledge from country to country. The migrant workers have provided the dynamic human link between cultures, societies and economies. Will I need a work permit or visa? Yes. You can apply for it at the Philippine Embassy and don’t forget all of the documents that you need. How will I search for an appropriate job? Search for an appropriate job which fits and suits your personality. In that way, you will be comfortable and you can easily adapt your current situation when you are working abroad. How will I contact prospective employers? Contact the â€Å"legal recruiters†. Ask the government’s agencies if your employer has its permit to recruit and employ applicants like you. What are the purposes and effects of Overseas Employment? First, what agency is concern about the migration of the overseas workers here in the Philippines? P.O.E.A is the agency that handles the country’s overseas employment. It was created to promote and develop the overseas employment program and protect the rights of migrant workers. It goes hand in hand with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and Overseas Workers and Welfare Administration (OWWA). DID YOU KNOW? Philippine is one of the most labor-sending country. Because of this, migration management has always been grounded on the goal to make labor migration work for the benefit of the migrant workers themselves, their families and society as a whole. Reasons of working abroad To earn money on the road. Work equals money. Money is needed in traveling. Getting a job abroad is a great way to raise funds and keep your bank account happy; To learn new skills. Working abroad gives you the chance to do all sorts of crazy jobs you’d probably never even think of trying at home; To prove your independence. Generally speaking, jobs you land while on a working holiday won’t be the most challenging, career advancing in the world but many employers still look at time spent working abroad positively. Heading overseas, landing a job, sorting out a place to live and starting a new life takes some guts and clued up employers will take note; To meet the Locals. As you travel, you’ll meet locals. But chances are they will be in the tourist industry and will have a vested interest in being nice to you. If you really want to meet the locals and know their culture, you should fly abroad; To make lasting friendships. You will meet plenty of travelers, and mostly you’ll get along with people same as your nationality. Stopping to work will allow you the time to develop lasting, meaningful relationships with other travelers and co-workers; To get a feel for destination. As you hop from one country to another, it is normal to feel that you wanted to stay for that particular place for good, for everyday life; To experience real freedom. While you’re working abroad, you won’t exactly be free, but it is having or starting your new life. The whole world opens up to you. Having the confidence to head off anywhere in the world to make a living really gives a great sense of freedom. Once you feel as though you can go anywhere and still manage to support yourself, the world truly is your oyster; For Lots of energy. Majority of works and opportunities abroad requires people who if physically fit and have skills in physical activities that can work harder; Due to many options. Lots of companies hire young people that tend to work hard, don’t want to be concerned with the needing a job for the rest of their lives, and are willing to take part time work so that they can have a little bit fun; For activities galore. Different jobs in different place. You will discover that every place has its own culture and local attractions and way of life. You can spend free time in exploring; And for schedules to suit your taste. As you are working part-time, you will be able to spend extra time traveling, meeting new people and find out more about the world. Effects of working abroad Positive effects of working abroad are: The migrant workers earn more money, meet new people (foreigners and locals), and they get a chance to travel and explore. While the negative effects of working abroad are as follows: The migrant workers’ health were affected and the families’, discrimination, and no time for the familyâ€â€with this, everyt hing follows. For overseas workers, yes you can have lots of money. It may be the quantity of money you could never imagine. Your salaries here in the Philippines may be doubled or tripled depending on the job you are fitted to and offered for. The salary that would help you and your family to build a house you’ve dreamed of, for your children to finish their studies, and for your own personal needs. Filipinos have the mentality of â€Å"Magtrabaho ka sa abroad. Mag-nurse ka. Malaki sweldo doon sa abroad†and so on an so forth. That’s why Philippines is one of the most labor-sending country. Being able to work abroad is passed on from generation to generation. The parent who is working abroad has the tendency to get his/her family to live in a particular country for good. Meet new people. Yes! You may have friends in your work or within the vicinity of the place you’re living at. Foreigners, particularly Americans, are friendly that they are defined as very approachable and helpful (based on researches and facts). You may also have friends same as your nationality. Like in Milan, OFWs in that place stated that they tend to have parties together to know who the Filipinos are living in the country same as them to mingle and build friendship. One example of a positive effect of this is when a Filipino is heading off and flying back to the Philippines, other OFWs are asking him/her a favor. It may be giving money to the family left or packages. It’s very usual. Overseas workers can be called travelers. They build up their confidence and perseverance during their work in other countries. Usually, the Filipino heading off to a different country is alone. He/she get a chance to learn being independent, no one to count on, and he/she will be the one to count on by the family they left here in the Philippines. They serve as the bread winners and so they persevere for the benefits of their families. There may be positive effects but there are also negative effectsâ€â€like broken families. It may not be literally broken that one of the parents divorces the other. But the thought that it’s not complete. It may be the mother, the father, or both are leaving. The effects are on both of themâ€â€the one who leaved and the people left. The one who leaved experience home sick. He/she misses his/her family but he/she has nothing to do knowing that being away from them will benefit them and give their family a more prosperous life. The people left experience hatred and of course missing the parent who leaved. Why hatred? Children who are left at an early age may grow with the thought of â€Å"Iniwan niya kami para magpakasaya doon kasi hindi nya kami mahal†. They will rebel against their family and especially the parent who left them. The movie â€Å"Anak†is a very good film to understand my point on this. Health. Being apart from your love ones will have an effect on your health, especially due to too much stressed, too much thinking, too much work, home-sick, sadness and other negative emotions. That’s why OFWs find time to meet people same with their nationality to reduce the emotions and stress. Discrimination. Why do I say so? Filipinos are known to be very patient, caring, clean, kind, and very hard working. By these, other foreigners tend to discriminate us, give us more work, less salary, and sometimes, for brutal foreigners, they hurt Filipinos. And worse, if you look for the word â€Å"Filipina†in a foreign dictionary, the meaning of it is â€Å"household or maid†â€â€(by Ms.Aquino). * As of today the Philippine state is pursuing its constitutional mandate to afford full protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and equality of employment opportunities for all. Filipinos work abroad. Why not work in the Philippines instead? Why leave your own country? Discussed from before, it’s because Filipino can’t sustain the needs of his/her family. So he/she needs to work abroad in order to earn more and give a better future for his/her family. So what are the disadvantage in the Philippines that Filipinos decide to work abroad instead? Unstable economic situation in the Philippines wherein the lack of confidence in the government to secure a better future for its citizens. Example of this is Corruption, right? People in high authority take the money from the people through Taxes and use them for their own leisure. High unemployment rate in the Philippines this has been a problem in the country that produces almost million college graduates on courses that are popular but whose demand is on decline. Example is the Fresh graduates who just join the labor force, this will the increase that competition for jobs available. Low salary offered by local companies this is the biggest reason why Filipinos are willing to work abroad because of the low salary offered by employers in the Philippines. Even nurses, engineers are paid poorly in spite of the skills they have through the 4 years course. Contractual employment arrangement this brings high unemployment rate due advantage to employers who simply hire people on contractual basis. Poor Benefits another disadvantage, examples of this is PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG, which is a monthly contribution that can significantly reduce the low-paid workers. OFWs are now pampered, OFWs are now covered by better protection, they are offered advantages in addition to being the nation’s new breed of heroes. It’s not so lonely to go abroad anymore we have so many Filipino communities have travelled all over the world, Filipino entertainers brought the overseas Filipino workers close to home. We have the availability of the Web to communicate with loved ones. Discrimination in job hiring in the Philippines this is very degrading as a Filipino, some are willing to get paid lower salaries and not enjoy benefits and paid holidays. We came up with the conclusion that, yes, there are a lot of benefits we can get in working overseas. Yes, we earn more money. And yes, we will have a better future. But because of that, we lose all the skilled workers that instead of serving and making the country more progressive, they migrate to different countries. What will happen to the Philippines then? Example of this is the tourist, the foreigners. They visit the Philippines because of the beautiful sceneries. Now instead of their information became ours, the little information we have is becoming theirs. Instead of us giving benefits to them, they rather give us the benefits. Why is this so? Because all of our skilled workers, or all of our professionals are owned by them. Philippines is a rich country, we don’t need to work abroad. We have jobs here. Job opportunities shouldn’t be â€Å"Out there†but it must be â€Å"here†. References Henderson, K. (2007). 7 reasons why working abroad is your best career move. Retrieved from Tomson, B. (2011). 10 good reasons to work abroad. Retrieved from Overseas employment: choosing an international career (2008). Retrieved from Fung, J. B., & Tan, F.A. (2010). Preliminary considerations, Handbook on Overseas employment and Pleadings, 1-9 Pinoy OFW (2009). Reasons why many Filipinos like to work abroad. Retrieved from
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Field of Religious Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Field of Religious Studies - Assignment Example Evaluation skills also employ analysis skills such as semiotics and hermeneutical (Kessler 26). Explanations according to some scholars have the same meaning as interpretation. It is the comprehension gained through interpretation of data within a religious context. Explanation is independent and resistant to theory influence as opposed to unstable description and interpretation. Explanation can also be functional, structural or causal all of which assist in appealing arguments advanced in religious discipline. Interpretation also integrates the comparative aspects of the determination of the meaning of a religious data. Interpretation comprises of evaluation, explanation, and comparative studies. There is a close relationship between a descriptive analysis of religious theory and its interpretation. Pure description requires integration of interpretation and evaluation skills. Some research hypothesis accepts that explanation and understanding presents the most efficient platform for comprehension of religious literature and theory. Approach of explanation and understanding integrates the phenomenology of religion subject in self-generation of ethical arguments. Phenomenology discipline helps in self-generation of spiritual knowledge, which is imperative, as nonreligious theories cannot explain religious ideas (Kessler 23). Phenomenology discipline is more applicable than reductionism concepts that some scholars
Sunday, July 28, 2019
COMPETITIVE DIALOGUE AND THE NEGOTIATED PROCEDURES - Essay Example Such goods may include some IT application gadgets as well as some security and military equipments. In the latter category, the procurer customizes and specifies the characteristics required and the manufacturer produces the goods in the customized traits. This provision entitles the procurer to identifying probable suppliers, who with the specifications of the procurer, manufactures and supplies the required products. This has led to devising of the tendering mechanisms such as the competitive tendering and the negotiated procedures of procurement by both the private as well as the public domain besides the open and the closed tendering procedures. The competitive dialogue involves customized discussions that involves many bidders and, applied in complex procurement procedures. The competitive dialogue method is characterized of two basic stages where the contracting authority starts by advertising the opportunities. Interested participants apply and gives the information through w hich the contracting authority to determine the competitiveness of the applicants for the contracts and thus few of the qualified applicants are shortlisted for the second phase which is the actual competitive dialogue. The dialogue entails thorough discussions with the shortlisted participants and the contracting authority stops to engage when it is assured of proposals that will meet her requirements. After the dialogue, the authority then invites tenders for the contract and the evaluation of the tenders stick to the formula of most economically advantageous. On the other hand, negotiated procedures involve the negotiation of procurement by procurer (contracting authority) and the potential bidders where the most cost effective bidders get the contract award1. The competitive dialogue pass through the two stages as with the prior procedure with the difference notable in that within the negotiated procedures the contracting authority requires proposals from the shortlisted partici pants before engaging in negotiations. In the analysis of procurement through competitive dialogue as well as the negotiation procedures, the most outstanding thing is that both the procurer and the supplier has information that the other has not and is important for the tendering process to be efficient as well as successful. The success of the negotiated as well as the competitive dialogue procurement procedures rest on the ability for the parties involved to use the information at hand convincingly to win the contract award. The two procedures therefore run hand in hand and are thus reviewed together. In the event that competitive dialogue becomes strenuous, then procurer would source for a probable supplier within the market and thus negotiate the procurement procedures. Competitive Dialogue According to the directive 2004-18-ec, the member states have the provision of choosing what kind of contracting that the authorities would be permitted to use either through central purchas ing bodies, auctions by electronic means, dynamic purchasing systems as well as through competitive dialogue procedure2. Competitive dialogue is a mechanism or a procedure through which institutions achieve bidding mechanisms for the purpose of procurement by discussions. It is a provision through which all economic operators are allowed to request to participate in the competitive dialogue leading to assignment of a contract. A newly devised procedure, Competitive dialogue is most applied in public procurement and bidding practices. It was designed to be used in contract procedures, which the open or closed procurement proce
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Analysis of Country Road's financial performance Assignment
Analysis of Country Road's financial performance - Assignment Example The company net profitability declined in 2012 as compared to the 2009; whereas the gross profitability increased by a mere 0.7% in 2012 as compared to 2009. This signifies the growing inefficiencies and disabilities in the company to control costs and expenses. Step Three The profitability provided a better measure as compared to the profits. This is because the profitability analyses the profits with terms to the growing sales; and therefore, helps in measuring the efficiency of the company in controlling costs and expenses with the increasing sales. (Keiso 1999) Step Four a. Appended figure 3 shows the extended trend analysis on the expenses for the period 2009-2012. b. Depreciation and Amortization expenses have increased the most over the period. The expense has increased by 57% in 2012 as compared to the expense in 2009. The second most increased expense is the occupancy expense which increased by 38.4% over the same period. Step Five a. Appended figure 4 shows the vertical ana lysis performed on the identified items of the income statement. b. Cost of goods sold, employment expense, marketing expenses and other expenses as a percentage of sales have decreased over the period 2009-2012 whereas occupancy expense and depreciation and amortization expense as a percentage of sales have increased over the same period. c. The company has been efficient in controlling certain costs and expenses with the increase in sales. The increase in depreciation and amortization is due to increase in total assets. Step Six Over the period, the sales have increased 22.1 percent showing improved performance by the company. However, the profit margins have declined because of the increasing expenses over the same period. The company has proved to be inefficient in controlling its administrative and selling expenses which have all increased compared to the base year 2009. The company has been holding too much inventory in its warehouses which has increased its management expense s. On the other hand, the company has been prudent in controlling its direct costs which has helped them improve their gross margins. Similarly, this could also happen due to the accumulated inventory which would be priced lower in the inflationary period. Step Seven a. Appended figure 5 shows the trend analysis on several balance sheet item totals from 2009-2012. b. This clearly explains the trend which signifies that the falling ROE is due to the increase in the equity by 26.2 % but with no cumulative effect on the net profits which have been declining during the same time. On the other hand, the assets have increased by 3.3% whereas the earnings before interest and tax have declined over the period; again the reason for the falling ROA. c. ROE measures the return to the equity holders- the owners of the company where as ROA measures the ability of the company in using its resources to make profits for the all stakeholders-owners as well as creditors. (Keiso 1999) d. ROA would be considered a better measure by the investors. It is because is measures the returns to all the stakeholders- the owners as well as lenders. Likewise, it also measures the ability of the company in the usage of the resources. It helps in evaluation the management of the company as well. (Keiso 1999) Step Eight a. Appended figure 6 shows the calculations and the ratios. b. The dividend payout ratio
Friday, July 26, 2019
Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example lity (CSR) in brief as â€Å"CSR is about business giving back to society†, and in detail as â€Å"the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large†(, 2006). CSR is a broad principle involving the way a corporation manages its business processes to provide an end-to-end beneficial effect on society. Business entities are required to consider the quality of their management related to both people and processes, and the type and amount of their social impact in different areas (, 2006). CSR is very similar to the concept of Sustainable Development which requires that corporation decisions should consider social and environmental effects, in addition to economic matters such as profits and dividends (Wikipedia, 2006). CSR suggests that corporations have a duty of care to all of their stakeholders while carrying out their business functions. Stakeholders are those individuals or organizations that have legal interest in the corporation; they are influenced by the corporation’s decisions and actions, while also having the power to influence such decisions and actions. The most important stakeholders are shareholders; other stakeholders include employees, clients, suppliers, community organizations, subsidiaries and joint venture partners (Wikipedia, 2006). CSR is beneficial to the corporation in several ways (Wikipedia, 2006). First of all, it gives the corporation a clean image of having the benefit of society at large in mind, rather than being only interested in making profits for its shareholders. Secondly, the corporation’s reputation and its brand power are strengthened; this is because consumers are increasingly checking the CSR behavior of the corporations from which they purchase their goods and services. Thirdly, chances of investment in the
Question 33 & 34 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Question 33 & 34 - Essay Example From this, criminologists developed the term victim precipitation, which refers to murders that result from provocations by the victims. People act on purpose, before doing something; one makes a decision a process that involves the effective coordination of all the senses within the human system. It therefore becomes practically impossible to kill strangers or people, one can be a stranger but his murderer must obtain some prior information maybe from his contractor incases where one is paid to kill the other. In brief, Wolfman argued that murders result from interactions and the actions of the victims. Some murder victims instigate the conflicts that eventually result in their deaths (Simon &Yochanan, 1996). Tedeschi and Richard Felson who avow that the interaction between the victim of murder and his murder is normally to blame borrow the ideas of Wolfman to develop the theory of coercive actions. School bullies are among a group of victims who purposely coerce others into violent attack that may result in their own deaths. The two asserts that in violent attacks, males are normally more likely to injure their victims while females more likely to be the victims. To this, they allude that gender is never a determinant of the violent attacks but physical strength is (Zachary, Patricia &Paul, 1994). With the understanding that people engage in crimes purposely, Ronald Clarke and Derek Cornish developed the rational choice theory, which assert that people make decision to engage in crimes after considering a number of factors. One of these is the need to maximize pleasure and minimize pain (Zachary, Patricia &Paul, 1994). According to this theory, people engage in crimes that are likely to maximize benefits for them, such crimes on the other hand should present as minimal risks as possible, the benefits thus constitute the pleasure while the absence of risks infers to the reduced pain. Additionally, people are more motivated to engage in criminal
Thursday, July 25, 2019
How does Implementation of Literature Circles Affect Student Essay
How does Implementation of Literature Circles Affect Student Performance on Literature Assessments - Essay Example in addition, some other classes like the 5th grade have opted to implement the literature cycles methods but teachers still have doubts on the method because they are not sure if it is as beneficial as the reading discussion or instruction which they are currently using. This article sought to investigate the impact of literature cycle compared to read-alouds on reading and student reading encouragement for students in high school (Allington & Johnson, 2002). It is important to note that when using literature circle method in giving instructions to students, they are not allowed to take comprehension-reading tests because comprehension tests provide efferent response. Researchers have tried to use various theories including reader response theory, flow theory, social interaction theory, and motivation theories to address the effect of reading instruction on students. Group discussion helps direct the child to more independent thinking and in turn expand cognitive development. It is v ital to note that if students finds an activity more interesting or perceive it as worthwhile then they are more likely to put in more effort in order to succeed. People need to become intrinsically involved in activity they are learning to do in order to make it valuable in future (Allington & Johnson, 2002). ... Literature circles have been found to be effective methods to help motivate students to read. Literature circles can be applied to assist pupils to learn different skills since children need to learn methods for holding themselves and others responsible, inviting and expecting quiet members of the group to participate or contribute and monitoring the purposefulness of the talk and negotiation of meaning. Read-alouds is another important method used in discussion about books with students. This technique is an instructional method where parents, teachers, and other caregivers read texts aloud to children. Reading aloud also is applied in the content areas very effectively in that they can allow for both collaborative and individual meaning construction through efferent response and aesthetic to content and literature (Daniels, 2002). For over the years, reading has changed significantly in that there has been various reading instructional or discussion methods that have been debated a s the most reliable. Students were divided into literature circle groups based on their preference books and these groups changed oftenly. In addition, the researcher on this topic selected for the read aloud each week. After the researcher read the book, the class and the researcher had a discussion over the story in the book. The researcher observed students attitudes and to hear types of discussion that were on going. Lastly, the researcher tried to establish the motivation level of the student by giving students time to determine their views of the process. The problem with introducing different learning or reading discussion is that some students will not be willing to participate in discussions than others. Some students tend to avoid teacher eye contact as a
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Design Awareness homework 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Design Awareness homework 2 - Assignment Example Several design elements have been applied in the design of Swiss International Air sign. Against the red colored background are the white name tag â€Å"Swiss†and a Plus sign at the bottom right corner. Strong red color has been used to enhance the readability of the elements of focus which are the name Swiss and the plus sign. Essentially, the designer sought to make the name Swiss dominant for the sake of identification of Swiss airline even at a distant. Maslow’s hierarchy has also been applied in this symbol. According to Maslow, a sign should first satisfy the basic purpose before progressing to other secondary needs. In this case, the main target was to identify the Swiss airline. Therefore, this explains why the â€Å"Swiss†name tag had to come before the plus sign which symbolically identifies, though not explicitly, that it is a plane. In addition, communication model has been applied in this sign. The â€Å"plus†sign is not just a decoration b ut further exemplifies the motto of the airline that their â€Å"sign is a promise†. Also, the plus sign symbolically communicates that it is an aero plane with front end, rear end and two wings. A tool is an object or a collection of objects that are used to perform a given task or rather for a particular vocation. They are normally designed in such a way that they enhance the ease and effectiveness at which the work in context is performed. The object in this case are kitchen cutlery used to peel off the outer coat of fruits such as oranges. Special emphasis has been laid on the handling of the equipment to reduce the efforts and risks involved in peeling off oranges. Unlike the handle of ordinary kitchen knives/equipment, the handles of these tools are threaded to increased firm or tight grip while performing the task at hand. The design element that has been exemplified in the grips of these kitchen cutlery is the shape. For example, at the point of the handle where the thumb and index finger grip
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Local or National Healthcare Policy or Regulation Problem Essay
Local or National Healthcare Policy or Regulation Problem - Essay Example For instance, the victims were found not be involved in physical activities that assist in cutting down body fats (Natarajan, 2010). In addition, their lifestyles were questionable. Through the information found in the report, healthcare policy makers can be able to embark on ways in which to assist the obese people. Obesity viewed as a failure of an individual by uncontrolled eating, lack of exercise among other poor health practices (Natarajan, 2010). The author of the article was biased with regard to the subject of obesity. The author outlines the factors that influenced obesity to be only personal factors like reckless eating habits and lack of physical exercise. Nevertheless, obesity is also genetic, and at times, it is a medical condition. Even when an individual tries to cut down fatty foods, the individual is still termed as obese (Natarajan, 2010). Therefore, lifestyle cannot be considered the only reason for obesity. Therefore, when addressing the issue healthcare managers and policy makers should not be biased and should not blame the victims for their health condition. Instead, the individuals should be addressed appropriately without hurting their feelings. The author supports the information in the article by providing some statistical evidence of how the obese people conduct their lives. As a result, a number of obese victims were found to live a reckless life and were lazy to get involved in physical activities. The author further adds that if the condition is not controlled healthcare providers will undergo an extra cost in dealing with obese people. In addition, the author adds, people should understand the factors that enhance obesity to control the problem. Obesity raises a number of health concerns, and if proper assistance provided the issue can be tackled (Natarajan, 2010). Obesity is a global concern and the healthcare providers and policy makers should address the issue with
Monday, July 22, 2019
MSN Nurse Interview Essay Example for Free
MSN Nurse Interview Essay Introduction A face-to-face interview was performed of a Masters prepared nurse, Mrs. H., to seek new knowledge about a role desired from the interviewer. Taking information from a practicing Masters prepared nurse will help the interviewer develop an understanding of opportunities, career advancement and the practice of someone in the Master in Science of Nursing (MSN) role. Review of the educational preparation, personal experience, and accomplishments of a Masters prepared nurse will be discussed. Mrs. H, describes her journey from Associates Degree in Nursing through obtaining her Master’s degree in education, and her post masters certificate as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. The interview will develop an understanding of the MSN in practice. Interview Selection The interview chosen was the role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Critical Care. The interviewer’s knowledge of this role is very limited. However, this role is viewed as an educator for a specific unit. The person interviewed holds a MSN in education and a post graduate certificate as a CNS. This interview was conducted due to not only the MSN in education, but excitement of the CNS post graduate certificate. These positions are held by respected members of the nursing profession and hold endless possibilities. Career Overview The interviewed, Mrs. H., has held a variety of jobs/careers in her life. Upon high school graduation, Mrs. H. obtained a job in retail as a sales associate. Through hard work and dedication, Mrs. H. worked her way up to management in retail. However, Mrs. H. quickly discovered that retail held long hours and no room for growth without an education. Upon self reflection, Mrs. H. made a decision to go to school and make a career change. Her decision was she wanted to help people and make a difference. Mrs. H. obtained her Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) in 1997. During this time, she continued to work part-time in retail on evenings and weekends to earn money. Upon completion of her ADN, she got a job at the local hospital on the medical-surgical unit. She quickly discovered her love of nursing and wanted to do more. Thus Mrs. H. continued to work in nursing and went back to school and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (BSN) in 2002. Upon completion of her BSN, she transferred within the hospital to a Surgical ICU unit where she worked for a couple of years before deciding to pursue her Master’s Degree in Nursing (MSN). However, prior to pursuing her MSN, Mrs. H. was required to take the GRE and get a good score to qualify for her MSN program. She spent months studying for her GRE. Eventually, when Mrs. H. felt she was ready, she sat for the GRE and was pleased to discover she received the number on the GRE she needed to get into her MSN program. While continuing to work as much as possible, Mrs. H. went back to school and obtained her MSN in education in 2008. She recalls school, papers, maintaining a family life and balancing work being very difficult, but states it makes the reward of graduating even better. Her MSN has opened up many doors and opportunities for her, as her career responsibilities continue to grow. Mrs. H. became a leader on her unit and held the title of supervisor/educator for the Surgical ICU. The desire to continue to learn and grow and make a difference in healthcare continued to weigh on Mrs. H’s mind, thus she obtained her Post Masters CNS in Critical Care board certification in 2013. Present Position Mrs. H. has a variety of experiences as a nurse. Presently, Mrs. H. is in charge of all patient, staff and student education on one of the critical care units. Furthermore, Mrs. H. helps change, write and build policies for her institution. In addition, she participates in several hospital wide committees aimed at patient safety, performance improvement and nursing engagement. Mrs. H. describes her position as one that has changed from supporting nursing practice and interpreting information, to one that conducts research and develops pathways for care. She states she uses nursing theory, evidenced based practice (EBP), and critical thinking skills to change nursing care provided throughout the hospital. In addition to her full time role at the hospital, Mrs. H. teaches BSN classes at a local university. Mrs. H. admits all of this would not be possible without her education, commitment and determination in life. Her career opportunities â€Å"fell into her lap†as she describes it. However, Mrs. H. will also humbly admit that through her leadership skills and her educational background, she proved herself to be worthy of her opportunities. On more than one occasion, Mrs. H. stated to never give up. When asked what exactly was meant by that, Mrs. H. stated to remember that no one is ever too old to continue their education. Furthermore, Mrs. H. encourages nurses to be the best they can be. Follow our hearts and don’t be afraid to speak out on patients behalf. Many words Mrs. H. said were interesting, but most importantly always seek to be the best at whatever it is in life. Conclusion Inspiring others and leading change are attributes of effective leaders that are crucial in preparing nursing students for professional practice (Adelman-Mullally, 2013, p. 30). Another important aspect of leadership is challenging the system to bring about desired change. Both healthcare and nursing education are experiencing change that creates unpredictability. Leaders recognize these challenges and have the confidence and courage to propose new ideas. (Adelman-Mullally, 2013, p. 32). The profession of nursing and the advancement of healthcare are directly related to effective leaders in nursing who hold higher levels of nursing education, pursue excellence in nursing practice, and motivate others to perform to a higher standard. All of this is in line with Grand Canyon Universities mission of providing role models through education in order to be effective communicators, critical thinkers and responsible leaders (GCU, p. 1). References Adelman-Mullally, T. (2013). The Clinical Nurse Educator as Leader. Nurse Education Practice. 13(1):29-34. Retrieved from Grand Canyon University (GCU). Mission and Vision at Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from www.gcu.ed
The Role Of Civil Disobedience To Fight Social Injustice Essay Example for Free
The Role Of Civil Disobedience To Fight Social Injustice Essay All contents of the law are not always favorable to everyone. In one way or another, at least one law is disagreeable to one person. Civil disobedience was first conceptualized by Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher, development critic, tax resister, transcendentalist, naturalist and an American author. He was once arrested for not paying poll tax. It was his choice not to conform to the law by paying poll tax because he was not in favor of where the money will go. Thoreau believed that the money tax he will pay for will be for the funding of the Mexican War, which he was not in favor of at all (DuBrin, 2008). Civil disobedience refers to an active refusal to adapt the commands and demands of a government or a power currently occupying the land or to put it shortly, refusal to abide by the law. It is simply not conforming to whatever the government is feeding its people. One main identifying factor of civil disobedience, though, is that resistance, in this context, is not violent. Scholars call civil disobedience a different shape of respectful disagreement. Civil obedience is being practiced widely in different parts of the world. The Indians, for example, practiced civil disobedience for their struggle for freedom. According to Dr. Jyotsna Kamat, a respected teacher, researcher and broadcaster in India, today, civil disobedience in India was as simple as non-cooperation. An All-White Commission as a political platform in India was detested by Indians. Civil disobedience was done by boycotting the laws of all the political and social platforms in India. First, they were repressive. Second, these were in favor of the British Parliament only. Even the members of Simon Commission in India had members from the British Parliament alone. Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader in India, led civil disobedience in India and made it a point to avoid violence at all costs. Indias purpose was to paralyze the Indian government. All supports were withdrawn, and India became highly revolutionary. Gandhi, among many other leaders in India like Amar Patel, led civil disobedience in India because the laws of the government were considered repressive (Kamat, 2005).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Russian Foreign Policy Towards The Post Soviet Sphere Politics Essay
Russian Foreign Policy Towards The Post Soviet Sphere Politics Essay The relations with Russia and the fragmented post-Soviet space have been rather popular topic for some years now. But after the cyber crises, April anxiety and the attack to South Ossetia, the topic has gathered even more increasing attention. The Russian foreign policy therefore has been changed a lot and has undergone different strategies. Nowadays Russian foreign policy creation probably reminds to lot of people like building the road to the heaven. The process consists of continuous alternating compromises as well as provoking actions or signs towards the West. Sometimes the decisions of Russian foreign policy are even against its own national interest and therefore from time to time it could raise a question if Russia has even stepped out from its baby-shoes or not. During the Russian Empire times the Russian foreign policy symbolized the Orthodox Christian world and the centre of gravity for pan-Slavic movements. It was greatly based on the imperialist world order that was trying to find quick development in economic and social means. The main objective was to increase Russian living standards so it could compete with other more developed countries. But after the collapse of Soviet Union, what was according to Putin the biggest catastrophe during the 20th century, the Russian foreign policy has changed. It became more pragmatic and looked after the realization of sophisticated world. This was also visible from the Russian relations with other countries, as Russia started to communicate more closely with the more refined world. The characteristics of the different relations with different countries varied a lot- at one time Russia was acting like a full-partner while on the other times Russia took only minor roles or even opposition in cooperati ng. The changing Russian foreign policy was established on different aspects. The main objective was to formulate Russian national interests, so the foreign policy could correspond to the ones that are especially necessary and which ones are applying to the other countries on the world political field. Another objective was to tempt other countries to the agreements on subjects where its interests are not the same as Russia has. The reactions to the Russian foreign policy changes have not been easy to adapt neither for Russia nor to the post-soviet countries. The ending of the Cold War was unexpected to the both sides and the idea to totally change the ideologies of the countries policies after that, has not yet been accomplished by neither of the sides. The changes of Russian foreign policy are influenced by different features. The main influencer is probably the situation on the oil market, as Russia is one of the biggest oil providers in the region. This also affects the trade of other goods. For example after the collapse on Soviet Union the Baltic States were still a part of post-Soviet geopolitical and economic development. The party that is ruling the political decisions in Russia has also a big role to play in the influence process of Russian foreign policy. The clear difference was visible with Boriss Jeltsin and Vladimir Putin, whose tactics were different. The third aspect that influences the Russ ian foreign policy rather highly is the current Russian relations with Eurasia and Caucasus as well as with Central Asia and the situations on those countries. But to a country like Russia probably the biggest foreign policy driver is the embrace of the power and its sphere of influence- either it is local or more like global. The presentation of the change from rather Russia-centered and regional power emerged during the Putin administration. At that time Russia raised to being one of the global energy power suppliers and demanded the local currency recognition equal to the US dollar. Russian foreign policy and market economy The importance of the economics and businesses in Russian foreign policy today is considerably high. It has also been seen as a source of the state power. With the Putin presidency major changes on Russian business market were made. During the Putin administration the big oligarchs were destroyed. Putin deputized its authorities to sit on the boards of key companies so he could have a control over the businesses. He also continued to support the integration of Russia to the world economy. While during the Soviet Union times Russia was the biggest supplier on its markets, but now after the collapse of Soviet Union the markets where Russia is the biggest player are decreasing and the foreign trade is taking over. This can be considered as one of the biggest threats to Russian economy. Also as we had financial crises in the world, the unemployment rate in Russia rose significally. Russian foreign policy today When to follow the Russian foreign policy, it can actually be said that it is rather continuous and has hidden aggressiveness. The current Russia has a tendency to demonstrate new conceptual documents in foreign policy as well as in security policy. These are always welcomed with high level of attention because according to these documents the world is trying to predict the coming Russian policy [1] . If to be very careful and to observe closely, it can be seen that actually the changes of Russian foreign policy has built up on tactical regrouping. The biggest change between the previous and current Russian foreign policy concept is that now the foreign policy goals has to be in balance with Russian economic, intellectual and technological possibilities. Regardless to the world image of Russia according to its recent actions, Russia still seems to think of itself as the super-power. In different ways and by different actions Russia still threats the post-soviet countries and in a way Russia still treats them as a part of its colony. But there is a difference between the former soviet countries. For example the threat to Estonia is unlike and smaller than to Georgia, as Estonia is a member of the European Union. Therefore the actions or procedures how Russia can endanger Estonia is different because of the western powers, but in case of Georgia, as it was seen, there is not such a strong backup. For Russians the fact that Estonia joined the western block was a big disappointment and according to the surveys, it became apparent that Estonia is the second country that the Russians trust the less. The Russian foreign policy that we know today is a product of former superpower, which desperately tries to hold on to its power. Some histori ans even say that, now when different countries are allies, the war will begin sooner or later. The orange revolution in Ukraine during the 2004, reminded greatly the situation in Estonia after the singing revolution. After the orange revolution Ukraine seemed to be able to see the freedom, as it happened in Estonia in 1987-1988. Then in year 2007 Vladimir Putin wrote a letter to Ukraine president Viktor JuÃ…Â ¡tÃ…Â ¡enko with what Putin clearly and directly intervened to Ukraine domestic problems and policy. But the actual aim of this letter was basically to control Ukraine, as Putin saw that things are getting out of his hands. This can be considered as a clear sign of Russian wish to take over the control and basically to reunite the former Soviet Union countries in order to form a Russian Empire again. It seemed that the tactic was to take over the control at first from the inside of the country by trying to attract the people, who can be manipulated to support Russia and its ideas and plans. If that has been accomplished then it is easy to take over the country tim e by time. In year 2008 Russian president Medvedev claimed that Russian foreign policy is neither liberal nor conservative but it is driven from Russian national interests. He also said that the freedom, democracy and the protection of human rights matters a lot to Russia and in its foreign international relations. These are also the aspects that are protected the most [2] . Few months after that Russia took military actions against Georgia. The Russian- Georgian war was a clear sign to the West and to the rest of the world that Russia has had enough of its post-Soviet foreign policy and that some things have to be changed. Also it gave a warning to the world that Russia is not that pushed down as it may have seemed and is actually capable to amend enormous damage. The new face that Russia is showing now by demanding pragmatic relations with the west, internal country liberalization and the high turn of economical high technology is only the change of the layer, not the inside. Also if the Russia we know today does not liberalize the market economy, it may bring with it, that European Union has to use the sanctions. Meaning that basically in the end, both of the sides will lose tremendously. When in year 2009 Russia changed the foreign policy in a way so it will be more pragmatic, balanced and that it is not based on the opposition. During the same year Dmitri Medvedev said that, it is about the time when Russia should stop being so ignorant and egoistic. By this saying the world got rather surprised, as before Russia has wanted to play leading roles on different fields. Russia even wanted that its currency would be equal to dollar, meaning that it would be recognized all over the world. This thought was led by the oil prices and the fact that Russia is a considerably big supplier of the oil in the world. But this behavior that Russia admits that they should back down a little does not happen that often. Usually it is driven from the current situation on the world oil market and of how strong is Russian power at the time. The American analyzing centre Stratfor [3] predicts in it analyses that in coming year the Russian activities in its neighborhood will most probably increase. According to that it has been predicted that Russia will start to fight back the former Soviet Union countries and that Estonia is the country that interests Russia the most. The reason for that is argued to be easy- Estonian politics are easy to manipulate with. In addition to Estonia the other Baltic States countries Latvia and Lithuaina are probably facing the same. Such an increased attention and interest to Russia has been ever since the Baltic States joined the European Union and NATO. But the Baltic States are not the only countries to whom Russia will concentrate on year 2010. According to the forecasts the year 2010 Russia strives to weaken the influence of the West from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia. The goal of this is the recreation of the political union on the territory of the former Soviet Union. The analysts are predicting that the influence of Russia will be more successful in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. When talking about Ukraine, this prediction can be derived from the fact that the new Ukraine president Viktor JuÃ…Â ¡tÃ…Â ¡enko has a pro-Russia thinking. But interesting fact with this is the promise that Juņºtņºenko gave- to unite the badly managed Ukraine with big economic potential with the West- and Centre- Europe. This of course is causing troubles with Russia, as Ukraine will then leave the traditional influence-sphere. Now in year 2010 basically all the former post-soviet countries are on a risk, meaning that all the countries are afraid that Russia will attack sooner or later. Especially after the launch of Stratfors report as with previous forecasts 90% of Stratfor reports have been right. Other facts that are backing up the Russia potential interest towards post-soviet countries and West, is the fact that during the autumn 2009 Russia was practicing the attack to Poland, that ended with penetration to Poland with 900 tanks. The same actions were made to Latvia. It is hard to say for sure if it was only a practice against a terror attack or was it a real exercising of the infiltration. Russia today After the launch of the analyses of Russian Foreign policy and its impact to the former Soviet Union countries by American forecast agency Stratfor, many of the post-soviet countries have started to worry and fear Russia even more than before. According to the Stratfor analyses Russia is trying to form its influence sphere from its neighboring countries. With a big possibility the first countries will be Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. It has been predicted that most probably those countries will not show that much resistance, then all the other post-soviet countries will be forced to either accept the conditions that are suitable to Moscow or to search independently the help from the foreign countries, such as USA. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan will probably choose the first opportunity whereas Georgia and Baltics will look for the other ways. The probability that Georgia will fail to do so is rather high, as actually it was also seen in August 2008. The probability of Baltic States search for help to succeed is little higher. In case Russia should try to capture Baltic States, the chance that Russia will ruin its relations with Europe and United States is rather possible. On the other hand if Russia is going to act as predicted and target Ukraine and Georgia first, then the Baltic States could win approximately 3 years to figure out how to protect themselves. At the same time it is very important to be updated of the actions and information what is happening in Latvia as by now it is one of the weakest countries in the Baltics. The situation in Latvia is rather bad and the economy needs to be stabilized. But exactly by that reason Latvia is very sensitive to the external influences and therefore it could turn to a really good playground to the Russia. The current situation in Ukraine is still unclear as the presidentary elections are coming. That also raises the question if Ukraine has already been sold to Russia or not. It is still unclear who will win the elections and who will be appointed to be the new president. At the same time all the candidates are in a way pro-Russia, meaning that the new president of Ukraine may start to cooperate with Russia in a long-run, as Ukraine is known as a rather corrupted country and then the predicted Russian control over Ukraine will still be established. The elections still will not decide on the Ukraine final destiny, but the fact that on the current elections all the candidates are pro-Russia may send a clear signal to Russia. Once Russia recaptures Ukraine, all the other post-Soviet states will probably face the same intentions. Besides the elections and controlling the Ukraine foreign policy, Russia has one more plan with Ukraine- Russia is strongly against the Ukraine alliance with NATO and European Union. In a way Estonia is in the same situation as Ukraine, but the fact that the crossing-point of world interests is south and near-east due to the oil and heavy fuel, it leaves the Baltic Sates on the background. The near-east and the territories next to the Black Sea are with high importance to Russia. Conclusion After the recent incidents that Russia has had with different countries over the past few years, the overall image of Russia has changed a lot. In addition to that the Russian foreign policy has made through major changes after the breakdown of Soviet Union. The biggest change has been that the role of Orthodox Church that used to play a big role in the Russian foreign policy has lost its importance. Another change was the Russian- Georgian war with what Russia sent a clear sign to the world that they are tired of their current foreign policy, but they also showed how they feel about the NATO enlargement. With that step lot of the other post-Soviet countries started to fear for their independence. Besides all kind of different changes one of the mentionable is also the fact that Russia started to use its role as one of the important energy providers as a political weapon. Russia understood that they can use the energy export to improve the countrys economical and political position in the world. When looking from the post-Soviet countries viewpoint and considering the recent Stratfor analyses that predicted the high Russian attention to its neighboring states has created rather anxious feelings in post-Soviet countries. If the predictions are going to come true, it is going to cause huge changes in Russian foreign policy.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Yahoo :: Free Essay Writer
Yahoo The Yahoo stock has taken a huge drop and has taken the rest of the stock market with it. The first quarter sales are set to be 40% off last year’s estimates. The stock is down 92 % from its peak, which was set on Dec 30, 1999. The Yahoo stock has been in a steady downfall since its peak. There were also other drops in technology stocks. Cisco and Intel predicted big revenue drops and job cuts. This set gave the NASDAQ a 5.3% fall. The index is off 59% from its peak, which was reached last year. Since Yahoo’s birth in 1995, the company has not had to deal with anything close to the dilemma it is facing now. They know have to deal with problem without their CEO Tim Koogle, who recently stepped aside. It was not too long ago that there were rumors of â€Å"Yahoo buying Disney†. â€Å"Now Yahoo would be lucky if Disney buys them.†Yahoo was once worth $134 billion, is now valued at less than $10 billion. Yahoo gets almost all of its cash from online advertising. This has proven to be a good way to get cash in the past five years. At first all of Yahoo’s 160 million visitors were interested in these advertisements. But these advertisements seem to have lost their luster.â€Å" Few people are clicking on those flashy top-of-the page banners.†It seems that only .01% of visitors click on the advertisements now, compared to .06% of visitors a couple of years ago. This is interesting statistic compared to the fact that even junk mail gets a 1%-to-2% response rate. The Yahoo Company is almost completely dependent on the ads. Unlike AOL, who are a service provider as well as a content provider. AOL collects $21.95 per person a month, whereas people using Yahoo get their Internet access elsewhere and are used to paying nothing for content. When the CEO of Yahoo tried to extract even a small fee from users of Yahoo’s auction service, 90% of the users stopped using the service. Yahoo will now need to find a new CEO, will Yahoo currently fending off potential takeovers with a two-year $500 million stock buyback plan. This leave’s the company with $ 1.5 billion in the bank, giving it time to figure out how to make more money on its own. Although it might hard for Yahoo to stay strong when AOL and Microsoft are becoming so dominant.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Urban and the Council of Clermont :: European Europe History
Urban and the Council of Clermont There are many accounts of that day in November, 1095. Some were written by monks, others by bishops, and even a few by warriors themselves. Historians are constantly asking, "What exactly did Pope Urban II say at the council of Clermont to persuade Christians to set forth on such a difficult venture as the Crusades?" One man, an early 12th century cleric named Fulcher of Chartres wrote perhaps the best historical chronicle of the events at Clermont and the speech of Urban II. Fulcher begins his account with a prologue that states how blessed the journeymen of the Crusades were to take up such a conquest. He follows this by speaking on the Council of Clermont. Fulcher describes Pope Urban II and what he heard was happening to the Christians in the east. What comes next in Flucher's writing is a long speech, allegedly quoted from Urban II himself. In the speech, Urban first lectures his fellow clergymen regarding problems in the church, saying that they should "set [themselves] right before [they] do others"1 Fulcher, 51. Urban II next, as according to Fulcher, declares the doctrine of the church and re-instates the idea of the "Truce"2 McGinty, 52. He also discussed various crimes for which the criminal would be excommunicated from the Church. In Fulcher's third section, Urban speaks of the "evils" in the east. He says, "there is work to do, you must help your brothers living in the Orient, who need your aid for which they have cried out many times"3 Fulcher, 52. He gives word that these "brothers" (Christians) are being threatened by the Turks who must be pushed back to Persia. Urban will grant remission of sins for their services. In closing, Fulcher tells how Urban II presses on to say, " Let no delay postpone the journey"4 Fulcher, 53. Fulcher of Chartres' account of what happened at the Council of Clermont is a great piece, full of detail. Fulcher obviously held Pope Urban II in high regard. Throughout his chronicle, he douses him with compliments saying that he is " a man distinguished in life and character."5 Fulcher, 49. It might not seem like much now to put the Church's interests before all others; however, in the Middle Ages people were extremely religious. The better Christian one was, the better man he was. Urban II speaks to his clergy about the problems in the Church and as Fulcher tells the story he seems he seems rightly bestowed with the compliments Fulcher gives him.
Impact of Cartoons on Childrens Behavior Essay -- Argumentative Persu
Impact of Cartoons on Children's Behavior     Television programs that are targeted towards children, such as cartoons, can affect children in both positive and negative ways. I examined a variety of cartoons on both commercial and public television to observe the content of children's programming and determine the effects, both positive and negative, that programs have on children. The cartoons contain a wide variety of subject matters that can influence children in many different ways. I found that the majority of cartoons choose to use violence and inappropriate subject matter to entertain children. These images and stories can have a tremendous negative impact on children because the violence is rewarded without consequences, is glorified, and idealized. Children look up to the characters that have a negative impact by distorting their views on conflict resolution. There are, however, cartoons that contain little or no violence and often try to incorporate educational lessons that concern values and morals that are important for children to learn, thus having a positive impact. "Dragon Ball Z" is an example of a cartoon that has a negative affect on children because of the use of violence. This particular episode was aired on Thursday, October 18, 2001 on a public broadcast station in High Point, NC. The show introduced a group of terrifying monsters that were considered to be the bad guys. Their bodies were many different sizes and colors and they were shown in a big, dark dungeon surrounded by lightning. The good guys were a group of 5 humans who were the main characters. They were seen as heroic and strong and their main goal was to find and defeat the bad monsters. Both sides plotted against each other and trie... ...aracter as a hero or winner with no consequences for violent actions and also make violence seem humorous and fun. There are also cartoons that contain no inappropriate conflict. These cartoons influence children in a positive way by dealing with issues of friendship, sharing, and creativity. Cartoons contain a wide variety of subject matter and deal with issues of harmful violence and constructive values and therefore, can affect children in both positive and negative ways.  Works Cited Teperman, Jean. "Toxic Lessons What Do Children Learn from Media Violence?" Children's Advocate newsmagazine. Online. Accessed October 23, 2001. American Psychological Association. "Violence on Television. What Do Children Learn? What Can Parents Do?" APA Online. Accessed October 23, 2001.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees
FACULITY OF GRADUATE STUDIES MBA PROGRAM THE BANK MANAGERS' LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' JOB SATISFACTION IN THE SOUTH OF WEST BANK BY AFNAN MOHAMMAD AMER ADVISOR DR. SHARIF ABUKARSH This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA), College of Graduate Studies, Hebron University. 2009 1 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my appreciation to those who provided valuable advice and assistance during preparation of this thesis My appreciation to my Advisor Dr. Sharif Abukarsh for his guidance and support. And my appreciation to all the Bank anagers who allowed me to conduct the research in their branches My appreciation to every one helped me to make this piece of work completed.3 DECLARATION No portion of the work referred in this study has application qualification for to been submitted another this or as degree any or other university or institute of learning. 4 an DEDICATION This piece of w ork is dedicated to all my family members, especially to the great father I have, to my precious mother, my best friend Akram, and my lovely kids; zaid, Sanad, Manar and mohammad, for their patience and supporting. To them and to everyone who participated, helped, and encouraged me o complete this work, I dedicate this thesis 5ABSTRACT THE BANK MANAGERS' LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' JOB SATISFACTION IN THE SOUTH OF WEST BANK Job satisfaction is one of the most important human resource-related outcomes, Further; organizations that have more satisfied employees are likely to be more productive and profitable. Among determinants of job satisfaction, leadership is viewed as an important predictor and plays a central role. This study recognizes the types of the existing Bank managers' leadership style in southern part of West Bank and its impact on employees' job satisfaction from the view oint of its employees. All the employees of (20) Bank branches in the southern par t of West Bank which are (390) employees, were the target population of the research. The researcher developed one questionnaire used as a primary source consists of of three collecting main data, parts: the this first questionnaire part contained questions about the employees demographic variables, the second part is about the indicators of the current leadership styles of the Bank managers in the southern part of West Bank and the third part is a bout the job satisfaction of the Bank employees. One hundred distributed employees in to twenty a the three tratified Banks of questionnaires systematic southern 6 part have sample of of West been the Bank. Eighty nine questionnaires were returned which make the respondents rate (72. 4%). The results of the research highlighted a strong positive relationship between democratic leadership style and employees' job satisfaction, a slightly weak positive relationship employees' between job autocratic satisfaction and leadership a strong style and negative relationship between the laissez fair leadership style and employees' job satisfaction.7 CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1. 1 Introduction Job human satisfaction is resource-related ften-studied topic the one outcomes, in of the and most important perhaps management and the most industrial psychology. Further, organizations that have more satisfied employees are likely to be more productive and profitable. Job satisfaction, characteristics likely such result as customer low together and in with environmental other turnover satisfaction, other characteristics, organizationally reduced positive valued absenteeism and organizational job satisfaction, job will outcomes productivity, effectiveness. (kim 2004) Among determinants of leadership is viewed as an important predictor and plays a central role. Leadership is management function, which is mostly directed towards people and social interaction, as well as the process of influencing people so that they will a chieve the goals of the organization (Rad and Yarmohammadian, 2004).By using appropriate leadership styles, managers can affect employee job satisfaction, commitment and productivity. Leadership style can be viewed as a series of managerial attitudes, behaviors, characteristics and skills based on individual and organizational values, leadership interests 8 and reliability of employees in different situations (Mosadeghrad, 2003). And because of the historical development of the Banking ector in Palestine which was, initially, marked by weakness and deformity in its structure and activities due to the political circumstances that Palestine went through. Apparently, there was an immense need for building a strong Banking system able to meet the economical and financial requirements of Palestine. And this strong Banking system mainly depends on the human force that like any business must be satisfied previously in mentioned, the work employee's place. job And as it was satisfaction is affected mostly by the managers' leadership style. (Parker, 2003) 1. 2 The Paradigm of the Study Independent variables Dependent variableManagers' Leadership style Job satisfaction Autocratic style Democratic style Laissez-fair style Employees' demographic variables †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Sex Academic qualification Salary Hierarchy level Moderator variables 9 F igure 1. 1: Conceptual framework There is one independent variable: managers' leadership style, which will affect the dependent variable: employees' job satisfaction. There are three leadership style indicators (autocratic, democratic, laissez fair), In addition, there are four moderator variables: employees' sex, their academic qualification, salary, and hierarchy level, that will affect the strength of the relation etween the dependent and independent variables. (Kenny, 1986) 1. 6 Objectives of the Study This study aims to accomplish the following objectives: 1. To explore the leadership styles of Bank mangers in s outhern part of West Bank. 2. To identify the best style achieving of high level job satisfaction that to be recommended and followed. 3. To explore the impact of sex, academic qualification, salary, hierarchy level, in determining the job satisfaction of the south West Bank employees. 4. To explore the level of job satisfaction of employees in south West Bank Banks. 1.3 Statement of the Problem Most of the time the success or failure f any business in general and Banking in particular is determined by the efforts and by the hard work done by its human workforce. And since one of the important factors influencing the employees activities and job satisfaction is the leadership style of their managers, a study of the 10 leadership style of the Bank managers and its relation with the employees satisfaction is essential for these managers to identify their styles and its impact on their employees performance, which will directly affect the Banking performance, with all its implications on the Palestinian economy. In order to accomplish the main objective of this study, nswers to the following specific sub-problems are sought: 1. What are the primary leadership styles of the Bank managers from the view point of its employees in southern part of West Bank? 2. What are the most remarkable characteristics of these styles from the view point of the employees? 3. What is the employees' job satisfaction level in southern part of West Bank? 4. What are the most remarkable characteristics of the employees' job satisfaction in southern part of West Bank?5. Is there a clear relationship between Bank managers' leadership style and the employees' job satisfaction in southern part of West Bank? . Is there a particular sub items in managers' leadership style or styles that result in the highest job satisfaction for the employees in southern part of West Bank? 1. 4 Null Hypothesis Based on the problem statement mentioned above, the research hypotheses for this study are as follow s: 11 1. There is no significant relationship between the leadership style of the Bank managers and the job satisfaction of its employees in southern part of West Bank. 2. There is no significant difference in the level of job satisfaction demographic of Bank employees variables (sex, in relation academic to the qualification, alary, hierarchy level). 1. 5 Significance of the Study Job satisfaction is an essential aspect of the human resource- related outcomes. And because of its significance in an organization, job satisfaction is perhaps the most often-studied topic in management and in industrial psychology (Kim 2004). And since job satisfaction is highly affected by managers' leadership style.The significance of this study is underlined as this study is the first in Palestine according to the knowledge of the researcher done in the Banking sector The importance development of of this Banking study sector, lies and in its studying mpact on the factors that may improve or hinder e mployees' job satisfaction. On the customers level, the more employees satisfaction, means the insurance of a better service, from one hand, and on the other hand , the well being of the Banking employees will have its clear effect on the Banking sector success,12 which the customer will directly feel; as a success in major economy key player. The results of this research will highlight the effect of management style on the job satisfaction, which will be an additional contribution to the national literature that will help in a better planning for future developmental lans of the Banking sector in Palestine. 1. 7 Scope and Limitation of the Study The time scope: the time of the research from January, 2008 to March, 2009. The place scope: The research will be composed of all the Palestinian Banks in the southern part of West Bank (Hebron, Bethlehem, Betjalah). Human scope: all the employees of the Palestinian Banks in the southern part of West Bank will be the population of the resea rch. Limitations of the study: 1. Some of the subordinates did not have time to fill the questionnaire in due time, and because of that it took the researcher more than planned to collect the data. 2.Some of the branch managers were reluctant or refused to cooperate, due to the contradiction of the excepted results of the study with their interests. 13 Banks framework table 1. 1 The working Banks in Palestine according to Palestinian Monetary Authority. Bank number Bank name 1 Arabic Bank 2 Cairo Amman Bank 3 Alquds Bank for Development and Investment 4 Palestine Islamic Bank 5 Arab Islamic Bank 6 Palestine Investment Bank 7 Bank of Jordan 8 The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance 9 Jordan Ahli Bank 10 Egyptian Arab land Bank 11 Bank of Palestine PLC 12 Al Rafah Microfinance Bank 13 Commercial Bank of Palestine 4 Palestine International Bank 15 Al-Aqsa Islamic Bank16 Arab Palestinian Investment Bank 17 Jordan Commercial Bank 18 Jordan-Kuwait Bank 14 Bank number Bank name 19 Union Ban k for Savings 20 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited 21 Principal Bank of Development and Agricultural Source(Palestinian Monetary Authority web site (http://www. pmapalestine. org) 15 1. 8 Definition of Terms Bank: a commercial institution that keeps money in accounts for individuals or organizations, makes loans, exchanges currencies, provides credit to businesses, and offers other financial services. (Macesich, 2000) Bank manager: manager of branch office of a Bank. (Macesich, 2000, p. 80) Leadership: ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen (Kouzes and Posner 2007) Autocratic leadership style: A leadership style where the leader solves the himself/herself problem using the or makes information the decision available at by the time.(Richard and Robert, 2009) Democratic leadership characterized by group style: a style participation in of leadership decision-making where the leader shares the problem with the relevant team members as a group. (Parker, 2003) Laissez fair leadership style: It s one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own. (Richard and Robert, 2009) Job satisfaction: and an attitude (Cranny, 2002) 16 towards one’s job First line supervision manager: of a An middle individual manager who and is works under the responsible for managing the daily activities of a group of workers (Abas, 2003) Southern Part of West Bank: Bethlehem, Betjala and Hebron 17 CHAPTER Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ANDSTUDIES This chapter international studies includes about literature, the topic of local the and research, which is collected by reviewing different books and studies from different university libraries. The chapter has two parts; the first is about literature of leadership style and job satisfaction, whereas the second is about international and local studies related to the topic of the research. 2. 1 Literature Review of the Leadership Style In this part, the literature and theoretical framework about the leadership style is provided. 2. 1. 1 Leadership Concept In a competitive and quickly changing business nvironment, the effective leadership becomes one of the most critical needs and requirements (Pierce and Newstrom, 1995). Leaders need to hold visions, values, assumptions and paradigms that are oriented, empowered in agreement workforce successful. (Kotter, 1990) 18 in with having order to a team- be most Many researchers have defined leadership (Specrtum, 1999) defined leadership as the ability to influence others to achieve a specific goals and objects. Another definition influencing a of leadership is of persons achieve group to the process the of required goals of an organization. (Shachleton, 1995) There are some asic elements shape the concept of leadership, which are: 1. The ex istence of a group of people working in a certain organization. 2. The existence of a leader from the group who got the ability to influence their actions. 3. The existence of a specific object to obtain. (Kan'an, 2002) The ends of leadership involve getting results through others and the means of leadership involve the ability to build goal-oriented teams. (Richard and Robert, 2009) Finally the researcher defines the leadership as the ability to influence a group of people or a community to achieve specific goals. 2. 1. 2. Sources of Leadership Strength Where does the leader's power come from?Do leaders have it? Or do followers give it them? As we shall see the answer may be both†. (Richard and Robert, 2009, p. 138) 19 The sources of leadership that gives the power and authority to a leader are 🙠Parker, 2003) †¢ Expert power: Is the power of knowledge, some people are able to influence others through their relative expertise in particular area. †¢ Referent power: refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the follower. †¢ Legitimate power: is based on the official authority that a person got in the organizational structure Reward power: involves the potential to influence others due to one's control over desired resources like the power to give raises or promotions. †¢ Coercive power: the opposite or reward power, is based on expectations of punishment for not doing the expected duties and work. 2. 1. 3 Types of Leadership Leadership style is an approach of giving direction, motivating people and implementing plans. As there are many leaders, there are different leadership styles. A good leader uses the right leadership style according to the situation.There are three types of leadership styles that vary in terms of decision making (Nathant, 2007) . Autocratic style 20 2. Democratic style 3. Laissez-fair style 1. Autocratic Leadership The autocratic style is chara cterized by maximum control by the leader on the group members (Bernhard & Walsh, 1990) This leadership style is based on the notion that enlisting people in decision making processes encumbers the efficient running of a business. (Zowelif, 1996) Autocratic leadership goes beyond decision making; it involves attempts to dominate or force values and opinions on followers. The predominant use of economic values should relate to autocratic leadership. Because they are supported in their decisions by the strong logic of efficiency’ these executives have confidence in their own decisions and feel less need to involve subordinates in the decision-making process. Subordinates may perceive these leaders as dominating and likely to force their values and opinions on others, tell others what to do, and make decisions in an overbearing way (Nathant, 2007). Autocratic leadership is best applied to situations where there is little time for group decision-making or where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group. (Berson and Linton, 2005) This leadership style surly has some major drawbacks, which are: 21 1.Increased workload for the manager: By taking on as much responsibility and involvement as possible, an autocratic leader naturally works at their full capacity, which can lead to long term stress and health problems and could damage working relationships with colleagues. 2. People dislike being ordered around, they also dislike being shown very little trust and faith. 3. Teams become dependent upon their leader: After becoming conditioned to receive orders and act upon them perfectly, workers lose initiative and the confidence to make decisions on their own. This results in teams of workers who become useless at running operations if hey loose contact with their leader. (Rad, 2004) In summary, an autocratic leader retains full authority, responsibility, and is concerned primarily with task and goal accomplishment and he/she uses one way communicati on pattern with the group. A leader using this style displays little trust and confidence in employees who generally fear their leader. 2. Democratic Leadership Democratic promotes the Leadership sharing of is the leadership responsibility, the style that exercise of delegation and continual consultation. The democratic leader acts as a part of the team, he/she receives the employees thought and suggestions with respect
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Environment on Darfur After the Conflict Essay
The world has undergo a address of troths for instead a capacious time throughout register. only the time there is a counterpoint, the re conservation of paritytion bugger off is closely documented in term of how m both casualties squander been advertise, and the regard it has ca utilize on the economy. It is heretofore r ar to hear battalion talking on the effects these participations nominate obtain on the rude(a) purlieu or which steps find been interpreted to protect the raw(a) environs from such(prenominal) encounters. The natural milieu for a long time has been a silent dupe of the divergences that occurs either locally or internationally leaving the repercussions to be felt for quite roughly time.In legion(predicate) cases, the strike the state of war and distinct troths produce been having on the environment has been generally very(prenominal) devastating. thither argon some(prenominal) pollutants that argon released in the enviro nment during the war which sack turn bandaging up altering the natural resources. On the a nonher(prenominal) hand, there atomic repress 18 some other natural resources that argon depleted during the conflict leaving the environment at a worse position. A major(ip)(ip)(ip) trouble is that most of the authentic conflicts be witnessed in the developing countries which do non beget the stinting capacity to deal with the environmental businesss so causing a major casteback.Africa has had quite long cases of civil wars some which arriveed during the colonial period and still pickings describe to now. These countries subscribe been mostly been scrap everywhere the borders which were drawn by the colonial powers for their on interests. some of the wars winning place in Africa atomic number 18 as a cause of com laming for natural resources such as fertile farming undercoat or wet. Due to the long history of these civil wars in Africa, it is surd to bang exactl y what these conflicts view cause to the environment.However, hanging at the lay of the loss of biodiversity in the unnatural portions, it grass be easy to net how serious the posture has left the modify to the environment. Darfur Conflict and the Impact It Has Ca apply on the milieu Southern Sudan has witnessed along civil war that has caused numerous a(prenominal) an(prenominal) nations through the United Nations personate and the Afri endure unity to try and federal agent heartsease in the locality and plant things to the normal situation. The conflict that is universe witnessed in the region right now is considered as a war between the different ethnic and tribal lines (IRIN, check bit 2).The sides that be mostly unconnected atomic number 18 the establishments military and the Janjaweed assembly. There argon other rebel groups that pass water to a fault admit the situation to be worse. The major cause of the war in Sudan has been attri excepted to fight ing for weewee between the Baggara nomads who roleplayd to the south, a region mostly assiduous by the farming communities to search for peeing. This conflict has conduct to many casualties being reported throughout. in spite of amazeting in place a government of national unity, and increasing the presence of the Afri digest Union Peace keepers, the situation has not improved in any steering (Borger, para 2).There drop been many reasons given as a source to the Darfur conflict, though the major reasons suck up been cited to be the increasing population which the current natural resources can not hold, hence do these people to fight for the rargon resources. On the other hand, there set about been claims that the conflict is as a guide of the Arab dominants intention to wipe out the colored Africans. This has veritable(a) do the United States to describe to this as a form of race murder in the area. Whichever the cause of the war, it has caused so many untold dama ges.The focus on this conflict has always been the number of people who hold back died in the region, or the number of those displaced. It is eventful that peoples action and social welfare is put front. This is what has been the major cin bingle casern of many bodies, organizations and other nations. However, manage many other conflicts, little concern has put on what effect this conflict is causing to the environment (AP, para 6). As earlier argued, the war in Sudan was triggered by the environmental businesss which light-emitting diode to the communities to fight over scarce resources.It is however a worrying trend that the proceed conflict is win endangering the environment that is sup comprise to support the whole population. The environment has been do worse by this conflict and made the filth to become uninhabitable. This marrow that the stress between the conflicting communities gets to be to a greater extent intense when it occurs that the natural resources a re not going to support all of them as expected (Beyrer, & Pizer pp 67). environmental degradation in Darfur has been on the rise due to the go along conflict.It heart and soul that the conflict that started as a precede of the environmental problems is being escalated by destroying the environment further. The issues in Sudan over the environment indicate how complex the environmental matters can be in the causing rupture to relaxation. This region has witnessed the decreased cases of traditional methods of environmental management systems, and in some places being disregarded realizely. The conflict over resources in Darfur was at a local level just now expanded to national level where political and economic marginalization was heightened. heathenish differences ask contributed to devising the matters worse to the situation. Therefore, patronage having the political and economic factors fleeting to the problems in Darfur, the major issue surrounds natural resources (de Mo ntesquiou, para 8). The Sudanese Arabs moved to the south to facial gesture for pasture for their animals due to the prolonged drouth that was experienced in their regions. This led to them conflicting with the black farmers whose land the Arabs were browse on. The paring of the animals on the farming land worse the situation as there was alter magnitude obscenity erosion which made land to be poor for farming.When the black farmers realized that the Khartoum government was indifferent in solving the matter, they rebelled against them. By rebelling, the people started to fight destroying many manmade and natural resources that were on the way (Borger, para 7). When the nomads inhabited the farming areas, they started to thin fell the trees. To the farmers, the cut trees were very essential as they provided shade for their crops and belongings together the soil to avoid erosion. Due to the conflict of interest, these classical natural resources were undo as they were c aught in between the fighting.With no trees cover, the problem of lack of rainfall becomes even heightened, which is a spectacular trouble to both the farmers and the nomads since they cannot be able to get rain that is cardinal for the crops and animals respectively. Due to the rifle land caused by the cutting of the trees, it has become harder for the farmers at the refugee camps to go back to their homes as they can not unravel out any master(prenominal) activities to such bare lands. With this kind of the situation, it becomes difficult to control human suffering without further harm to the environment (HPN, para 3) umpteen people have been killed in the conflict while millions of others have been living in the camps after being left homeless. At the camps, the refugees bespeak to be given their rudimentary requirements. Water is a very important commodity that no human beings can do without. In fact as argued throughout, the conflict has been surrounding fighting for w ater resources. Therefore, while at the camps, the refugees have to be provided with water. This has led to the human-centered organizations to dig boreholes to religious service the refugees get water.Considering that the land in Darfur is by and large dominated by hard rocks, it means that the rains that fall in the short(p) mode pass judgment mostly wash away, hence, the boreholes depends on the immunity reserves. Considering the rate at which the reserves are being used, it is tough to imagine the consequences that live the Darfur people when the reserves ordain lastly be depleted. The situation faculty lead to the refugees being moved to some other region that can support them. There are already some areas that have reported the drying up of the boreholes. Apart from water, the refugees alike need other resources for their daily wager.There have been many trees that have been cut by the refugees near the camps to provide them with firewood. The trees are withal cut and used to construct and pay back the distinguishshift houses of the refugees. This implies that trees are being used at a higher rate than they are being replaced. There are some refugees who are involved in some economic activities. The common economic occupation that the refugees are involved with is making mud bricks. The refugees are involved with this activity mostly because it does not need practised labor, and the materials are readily available. A pot of water is usually used in the making of the bricks.A flock of water is used considering the dryness on most of the camp soils. Further more, since the refugees want to make a lot of money, they try to make as many bricks as possible. The more work they do, the many materials are required. The areas that the soil for making the bricks is dug usually leaves many holes indicating the rate at which the soil is being depleted. The governing body of a layer of soil takes many years, however, the refugees depletes many laye rs in a very short time. It is very bad to tag that the fertile soils that can be used for agricultural production is actually used for the making bricks.These soils can not be replenished in the short run as it is being depleted. In the areas that the refugees remove the soils to make the bricks, they leave the tree roots unfastened which contributes to the wilting of the trees (Homer-Dixon, pp 19). Therefore, this still adds the woes the refuges already have. Furthermore, since to make the bricks requires a lot of water, it means that the refugees have to compete on how to use the water for the domestic work and the production of the bricks. In the end, the action contributes to the hastened depletion of the water resources.The bricks cannot be complete if they have not been burnt in the kiln. The kiln requires using a lot of firewood. This means some(prenominal) trees have to be felled to be used in the kiln. One kiln can take as many as 35 trees for the bricks to be ready. T his shows the impact this iodine activity can have on the important natural resources. There have been increase sand dunes in the areas that had once been covered by trees just a few years ago. This is all because of the refugees activities in trying to earn a living. Most of the dams in Sudan are drying and having a lot of sedimentation as a result of deforestation.Many dams have lost their holding capacity due to these reasons (HPN, para 8). once the war comes to an end as is presupposed, the refugees go out have to go back to their homes to start a new life. They forget first need to rebuild their damaged homes, which entrust basically require that they cut more trees to build these homes. Considering the already cut trees in their former homes, there are thereof no trees left behind to append for their needs. This implies the building materials will have to be sourced somewhere else, which automatically will be increasing the base of the damage to other regions.Having rea lized the impact the conflict is take to the refugees affecting the environment, especially on trees, several organizations like the US aid have helped the refugees to design the cooking stoves that uses a altogether reduced amount of fuel as a way of the saving the environment. This stoves though interpreted as a move to save the environment, it has a big impact on the social and cultural life (de Montesquiou, para 11). Since the conflict is between 2 ethnic groups with two distinct lifestyles, separately group undertakes an activity that they think will destroy the other.For instance, the nomads usually graze their animals on the farmers crops. This leaves the farmers with nothing as their crops are destroyed by the animals. On the other hand, the farmers on their side burn the grazing lands for the nomads. This is even a worse action to take as it does not only affect the nomads in terms of lacking food, but it affects the farmers themselves in that the burning of the ground destroys the important living organisms that are found in the soil which helps in improving the soil fertility. This means that the soil is left bootless which will affect both the nomads and the farmers in the long run.Furthermore, the nomads are used to grazing their animals and moving from one region to another after the feeds in that area have reduced. However, due to the conflict, the migration routes for the nomads were blocked by the farmers. This made it impossible for the nomads to move from one region to another with their animals, hence meaning overgrazing in one region. The overgrazed areas will generally have very poor production as there will be increased soil erosion (Homer-Dixon, pp 29). In general, humanitarian issues are usually given such(prenominal) priority over the environment as a short term radical to any crisis.Therefore, whatever actions that are taken by the involved bodies do not give much or even any consideration to the environment. For instance, whe n the refugee camps are set up, it is aimed at providing security and a improve life to the refugees. No consideration is put on what activities the refugees are going to carry out that might affect the environment whether in the long or short run. This is being evidenced by the number of boreholes drying up in various refugee camps (HPN, para 16). There are hundreds of thousands of the Darfur refugees who have been disposed(p) refuge in Chad.The Chadian locals are then forced to compete for the natural resources in their territory with the refugees. Putting in mind the activities the refugees are engaged with, and the major aims of the organization that are associated with the taking palm of the refugees which are just humanitarian care, the refugees can have a very big impact on the environment of the legion country. The refugees in the camps hopes for someday to go back home. This implies they cannot have long term projects that will help in the development and taking care of the region that has granted them asylum.This might make them to be at loggerheads with the host country and thus be denied the asylum (Gouroukoun, para 7). Furthermore, as the refugees enter the Chadian soil, it is not guaranteed that they have their safety. The Janjaweed have been pursuit the refugees in their camps attacking them. This has also posed danger to the Chadian nationals making them to move closer to where there is security in their country. In essence, the Chadian people are not even free in their own land because of hosting the refugees.As the Chadian moves to the place they feel is more secure, they also cause congestion and constraint to the resources that are supposed to host them. There are many other effects that the conflict has caused to the environment. As the conflict rages on, both sides are heavily armed. The weapons used to attack one group leave a lot of damages to the environment. For instance, there have been many crops, homesteads and the grazing gr ounds for each group that have been burnt by the opponent group. The oils and chemicals used to burn these properties, and the residue of the burnt products find their ways into the water bodies degrading them.This on the other hand affects the lives in the water bodies. Furthermore, as the crisis continues, weapons used like bombs have continued to pollute the environment and their effect left in the environment for along time affecting the superior of life. It is very difficult to find crops ontogeny in a region that has experienced a battle field. This is because of the effect that the weapons and chemicals used in the process have on the environment. It is common to find that the areas that had been bombed can not sustain any agricultural activity.It thus means that as the communities fight over the scarce natural resources and keep on destroying them during the fight, it only helps in escalating the problem they are already facing (Homer-Dixon, pp 41). The Janjaweed and the other militias in the Darfur conflict are always in the hideout. Most of the hideouts are in the forests. This implies that they have to depend so much on the forests for their own needs. For instance, they have to cut down the trees to use for fuel, hunt wild animals for food, and all these activities upsets the natural environment settings.There are many regions that used to be occupied by trees and wild animals like the elephants and the antelopes but when looked at now are bare because of the activities that have been taking place in the regions. Conclusion The Darfur crisis has actually been said to have started for over three decades ago. However, it only escalated in 2003 when the current crisis became out of control. The major cause of the war has been attributed to lack of enough natural resources. The problem is that because the fights were due to the protection and the need to acquire more natural resources, it is wry that the same resources are being destroyed.In essenc e, this seems to increase the problems already faced. This has created the vicious pedal of the war in the Darfur region. Therefore, unless the concerned bodies look for a way of dealing with the problem of these natural resources, it is not possible to relegate this war despite the many peace agreements that might be signed by the leaders of the region.Work CitedAP. Darfur conflict worsens environment, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http//platform. blogs. com/passionofthepresent/2007/06/darfur-conflict. html. Beyrer, Chris & Pizer, Hank.Public Health and Human Rights Evidence-based Approaches ISBN 0801886465, JHU Press, 2007. Borger, Julian. Darfur conflict heralds era of wars triggered by climate change, UN report warns, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http//www. guardian. co. uk/environment/2007/jun/23/sudan. climatechange. de Montesquiou, Alfred. Darfur forcefulness leaves environmental scars, 2007. Retrieved on October 29, 2008 from http//www. msnbc. msn. com/id/19357602/. IRIN. SUDAN Climate change only one cause among many for Darfur conflict, 2007. 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